I have always had an active imagination. Sometimes that's a good thing, but more often than not it leads to some pretty crazy dreams. Some of those dreams qualify as nightmares, as I'm also the biggest scaredy cat on the planet.
It's been happening since I was little, these crazy dreams. My family thinks I'm off my rocker when I tell them the stories. I have a recurring nightmare in which something terrible happens, I run to dial 9-1-1 and the call won't go through. My dream book tells me this signifies a feeling of helplessness. I've also had many dreams in which I'm running at top speed and suddenly find myself in the air. Not really flying, just running above the ground. There have also been a few about falling, but I always wake up with a start before I hit the ground.
The dreams get much stranger than that, though. Once, I dreamed my entire family turned into giant hairy potatoes and tried to kill me. Another time we lived in a swanky penthouse apartment and my father brought home a lioness as a house pet. I remember feeling so terrified it was going to eat me. In yet another dream, my grandparents took me on a mining expedition underground and we traveled by donkey.
For awhile, I was having heart-stoppingly terrifying nightmares that were the creepiest things I've ever experienced. In my dream, I would see a scene from my bedroom with some kind of critter flying around in it. Sometimes it was a shadow, sometimes it was a spider running across the ceiling, other times it was a bat (that comes from the real-life time there was a real-life bat in my bed).
My dreaming self would see this thing, freak out and wake myself up while having a heart attack. It's a very unpleasant way to wake up. When I opened my eyes, I'd be looking at the exact same scene that I saw in my dream, minus the critter. I'd leap out of bed and usually run down the hallway, slamming the door shut behind me to keep the critter inside. It took me a few steps to realize that I was dreaming and in fact, there was no critter. This got really old for my family after awhile.
Slowly, I graduated from running down the hallway like a maniac to just leaping out of bed. Eventually, I'd still wake myself up having a heart attack, but I learned to calm myself down and realize nothing bad was really happening much quicker than before. I haven't had one of those in awhile, but I'm sure it will happen again.
Even though the critter dreams have stopped, I still dream vividly on a regular basis. Sometimes, timely events show up in my dreams. Just this week, I found myself part of a convoy driving to an abandoned house in the desert with McSteamy from Grey's Anatomy as our prisoner. When we got to the house, he killed everyone except me and one other person, then forced us to drive him somewhere. There was also something about an electric toothbrush kit, but I don't remember how that came up.
I'm quite sure McSteamy showed up because of a Grey's Anatomy preview that showed him hunched over, veins bulging as he screamed out in pain. It startled me (not really scary, I know, but this is how my brain works) and so, my imagination turned him into a bad guy. I also went to the dentist last week and she suggested I switch to an electric toothbrush.
I'm going to start using this blog as a dream diary. Partly, to share the things that my crazy imagination comes up with and provide entertainment for the two people that read this blog. I'm also hoping to keep track of these stories and identify trends. I've already spotted a few. Maybe someday I'll learn to control my subconscious thoughts - anyone know a good hypnotist?
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