Friday, January 23, 2009

Lost Keeps Me Awake at Night

I'm usually a zombie on Thursday mornings because of the Lost adrenaline rush that hits me every Wednesday between 9 and 10 p.m. Kind of makes it hard to go to sleep at a reasonable hour when your heart is pounding from smoke monster attacks, disappearing islands and a shirtless Sawyer. The two-hour season premiere this week did not disappoint, it was full of things to make you jump out of your seat, hit rewind on the DVR and say, "What in the name of Daniel Faraday is going ON?!"

NineDaves posted about the New York Magazine list of Twenty Questions the Fifth Season of Lost Must Answer. The smoke monster is number one on my list. I have nightmares about it. Leave it to me to be afraid of the most irrational aspect of the show. Also, WHAT was up with the church/laboratory scene at the end of the episode? I used to think the island was Purgatory, until the Oceanic Six ended up back in the real world. Unless it's not the real world they're actually in. Maybe it's hell. And they're have to go back to Purgatory. Maybe I'm completely wrong. Now they're bringing this religious aspect back into it and I'm all confused. I just want to KNOW!

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