I’ve been asked many times why I support Barack Obama. I’ve never had a solid answer. The truth is, he charmed me. I think that is true for many Americans. He’s a well-spoken, passionate man who talks about change. He's young, he's new, he's different and I find him inspiring.

However, I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to support a presidential candidate. Decisions of that caliber should be made based on solid facts and every American should be educated on the issues before deciding which politician to support. So, I took the time to read about Obama’s positions on his website www.barackobama.com.
Below is a list of issues that are important to me, followed by what I like about Obama’s views on each. Agree or disagree, if you’re reading this, I hope you take the time to make your own educated decisions and vote this November.
Obama wants to eliminate our need for Middle Eastern oil within 10 years by drilling for oil at home. If oil were a domestic issue today, the U.S. wouldn’t be at war with Iraq, so that sounds like a good plan to me.
He wants to get 1 million hybrid cars on the road by 2015. He also wants to increase fuel economy standards by 4 percent per year and provide funds for domestic automakers to renovate manufacturing facilities in the U.S. to produce these greener vehicles. He has a goal – and a plan to achieve that goal.
Obama also wants to see that 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025 and has a program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
Foreign Affairs
Barack Obama believes in renewing American diplomacy through a willingness to meet with leaders of all nations, friend and foe. Problems can’t be solved through silence. Open communication is the only hope for change.
I believe that one of the most critical foreign affair issues today is the situation in Darfur. Obama promises to impose tougher sanctions that target Sudan’s oil revenue and engage in more intense, effective diplomacy to stop the genocide in Darfur.
Obama has a plan that involves health insurance for all Americans. If you already have health insurance, he wants to provide you with cheaper insurance. If you’re uninsured, he promises to fix that. Most importantly, his plan requires that all children have health care coverage.
Obama will work to secure American borders while fixing the current dysfunctional immigration system and increasing the number of legal immigrants to keep families together. He supports a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English and eventually become citizens.
I don’t think it makes sense to deport the parents or grandparents of children born in the U.S. They’re already here, they’re willing to work and their kids deserve a better life. We should work to prevent illegal entry into the country, bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows and help them do the right thing.
“Here is the truth: fighting a war without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. And fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer. So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on day one: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden- as heavy as it is. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer.” – Barack ObamaObama is fully committed to ending the war in Iraq through a responsible, phased withdrawal. While I believe our troops need to come home, I don’t think dropping everything and leaving the Iraqi citizens to fend for themselves is the answer either. Obama’s plan will remove troops by the summer of 2010, but a residual force will remain in Iraq to conduct counter-terrorism missions against al Qaeda and protect American personnel.
Obama also believes that America has a moral obligation to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Iraq, as more than five million Iraqis are refugees or are displaced inside their own country.
Obama promises tax cuts for the middle class and wants to eliminate income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000. I’m not an expert on the economy, but I am a middle class citizen and that sounds good to me.
The thing that I like most about Barack Obama is his background. He is the product of a single-parent home and claims to be raised with working class values. His mother worked hard to provide a better life for her son. His wife, Michelle, comes from a similar background.
In her speech at the Democratic National Convention tonight, she talked about being “raised with values that you work hard for what you want in life and treat people with dignity and respect.” Cheesy as it sounds, Barack and Michelle are products of the American dream. They made their own paths in life, nothing was handed to them and they know the value of hard work. There’s something to be said about growing up like that and those are the values I want in the person running my country. I hope you take the time to think about what’s important to you.
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